Psalms Songs is a family affair. It may have started with Sheradee's passion, but it has become a rich part of each member of our family's life.
Sheradee Peyton
Sheradee has been raising champion goats since 1997. She is an active member of the American Dairy Goat Association and the Michigan Dairy Goat Society. She is a former Vet Tech and current LPN.
Border Collie in Charge
No farm is complete without the ever vigilant stare of a border collie. We have had border collies since Biscuit wandered into our life in Zalma Missouri.
Goat Farmers Husband, chore helper, truck driver, goat pick up and delivery service
Jordan and Jacob
Long ago County Fair Showmen, 4H, State
Quiz Bowl Champions, LPN's
and still helping around the farm
English and Adam
Yes, English has been inside the barn!
Rossi and Rex grand children
Future Goat showmen and farm labor
He may not help with chores, but at the shows he is Mr. Social
Johnathyn and Jayda
Our Missourah Grandchildren and future farm help
Gabriel's Mini
Jayda's mini and the greatest horse trade ever!
Lisa's birthday present
An absolute sweetheart, her name fits
Birdie and Charlie
Our Berners
Our senior citizen. She is always looking for a lap to lay in or to curl up in front of the fire